Support provided by Monica Mitchell, ITRT
(276) 403-5461
Technology Help Desks are available to assist our Martinsville City Public School families and students with various technology issues. There are also technology instructional how-to videos on the ITRT page under the COVID-19 heading on our webpage.
A parent needing assistance with his/her Unified Classroom Parent Account (Parent Portal) or his/her student’s technology may call the appropriate number below.
Students needing help with Clever, Unified Classroom, Canvas, Zoom, or their technology may call the appropriate number below.
If the line is not answered, the ITRT may be on another line or away from her desk. Please leave a detailed message including your student’s name, school, your telephone number, and a brief description of your concern. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
Support provided by Monica Mitchell, ITRT
(276) 403-5461
Support provided by Tyler Hunt, ITRT
(276) 403-4776