PHES students


Being present in school every day, for the entire school day, is a critical component of student achievement. Attendance is the foundation of academic success. We cannot educate children who are not in class. The experiences of the classroom are important to each student's education, and any missed days can never be fully recovered. Additionally, high school attendance is part of a student's permanent record, which will be forwarded to colleges and places of employment seeking references.

It is the duty of the parent/guardian to monitor student attendance and make sure their child is in school each day for as many of the 180 school days as possible. Each student must be in class every day of the school year unless there is a serious reason for not doing so. A student who is absent from school without proper authorization is considered truant.

MCPS teachers, administrators, and guidance counselors will work with students in a positive manner to encourage the student's attendance and to address special needs.

MCPS Attendance Policy

  • When students are absent from school, it is requested that a parent/guardian call the school before the time requested in the school handbook (or, if no time is listed, by 9:00 a.m.).

  • In compliance with Virginia law, when a student is absent and a parent or guardian does not notify the school by 9:00 a.m., the school will attempt to contact the parent/guardian at home or at work. In cases where telephone contact cannot be made, a school official may be sent to the student’s home.

  • The Code of Virginia 8VAC20-730-10 defines an excused absence as “

    …an absence of an entire assigned instructional school day with a reason acceptable to the school administration that is provided by the parent. If circumstances permit, the parent should provide the school administration with the reason for the nonattendance prior to the absence. Examples of an excused absence may include, but are not limited to, the following reasons: funeral, illness (including mental health and substance abuse illnesses), injury, legal obligations, medical procedures, suspensions, religious observances, and military obligation.

All make-up work must be completed within a reasonable period of time as established by each school.

A student absent from school or more than 30 minutes tardy on a regular school day may not attend or participate in any after-school activity that day. Any exception to this rule must be made by the administration prior to the student attending the activity. The administration reserves the prerogative to exercise judgment in cases where extenuating circumstances exist.

Appointments are not valid reasons for absence and should be scheduled for after school. If you have a chronic condition or issue that you know will require special accommodations, it is the responsibility of the student, parent/guardian, and service provider to notify the school as soon as possible to discuss the potential need for an alternate instructional plan.


To emphasize the importance of regular school attendance, the district and the Commonwealth's Attorney's office have agreed to classify truancy as contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a Class 1 misdemeanor which carries a possible fine of up to $2,500 and may include jail time.

We want to work collaboratively with all families to support consistent attendance. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive. We encourage you to reach out to your school if you have any concerns or need assistance in making regular attendance possible for your child.
