Prepare for the 2025-2026 School Year
Over the summer, this page will be updated regularly with the information you need to prepare your family and your child for a successful 2025-2026 school year. The first day of school is Tuesday, August 12.
Open House
All schools will host an open house on Thursday, August 7. This is an opportunity to meet teachers and staff, visit classrooms, and acquaint yourself and your child with the school!
Clearview Early Learning Center will host their parent orientation by appointment. Clearview families will find sign-up information in their Welcome to Preschool letters which will arrive by mail. Call (276) 403-5800 if you have any questions.
Martinsville Middle School will be hosting their open house in 3 separate sessions throughout the day. Information is included in each student's back-to-school packet which will arrive by mail. Call (276) 403-5886 if you have any questions.
No appointments are necessary for Albert Harris Elementary, Patrick Henry Elementary, and Martinsville High School. Families may drop in any time from 12-7 p.m. on August 7.
Stay Connected: Update Your Parent Portal Information
Having accurate information in Powerschool means you will receive timely notifications about crucial matters including weather delays and closures as well as any urgent notifications. Next school year, we will also be introducing online report cards which you can only view through your Parent Portal. Be sure to update your information and your child's information each year via Parent Portal to ensure that you always receive these important updates in a timely manner.
Updating your info is quick and easy:
Click this link to create or log in to your Parent Portal account. You can also download the free Powerschool app!
Need help?
We're here for you! Beginning June 4, every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2-6 p.m. our team will hold special office hours for Parent Portal assistance! Just call (276) 403-5721 if you need help setting up your Parent Portal account or updating your child's information.
School Supply Lists
*This section is currently displaying information from the 2024-2025 school year. It will be updated this summer as schools finalize their supply lists for the upcoming year.
Click on the links below to find the 2024-2025 school supply list for your child's school. Lists are also posted on each school's individual webpage.
Martinsville Middle School
Information on the annual Back 2 School program, which provides area children with new socks, shoes, and backpacks filled with school supplies can be found here.
Back-to-School Vaccination Requirements
Children entering public and private schools are required to give proof of vaccination before enrolling in school. Required immunizations include:
HepA (first dose followed by a second dose in 6 months)
7th Grade
12th grade
Local health departments offer walk-in vaccination clinics for students. For this year's clinic schedule, click the button below.
Being present in school every day, for the entire school day, is a critical part of student achievement. Parents/guardians play a crucial role in building good attendance habits and ensuring their child is in class.
Missing just 10%, or 2 days a month, over the course of the school year can affect a student's academic success.
By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three key signs that a student may drop out of high school.
By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
Click here to review the MCPS attendance policy as well as resources for families to help encourage good attendance.