In honor of Rooster Walk weekend, we wanted to share a little story. This is Sara Kasey, a human resources specialist here at MCPS. A 2010 graduate of Martinsville High School, Sarah holds a special place in Rooster Walk's history as the very first recipient of the festival's Penn-Shank Memorial Scholarship! Each year Rooster Walk awards the scholarship to an outstanding Martinsville High School senior to honor the memories of the two MHS alumni for whom the festival and the scholarship are named. Sara used her scholarship to attend Randolph College, where she majored in psychology with a minor in business administration with the goal of entering the human resources field. Fast forward to 2019, when we were fortunate enough to welcome Sara back into our MCPS family as an employee. It's truly a full-circle moment for her as the office she now occupies was once her kindergarten classroom when she was a student at Druid Hills! Join us in celebrating Sara's achievements and the incredible opportunities that Rooster Walk provides for the next generation of Martinsville students.
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Sara Kasey
Sara Kasey receives a scholarship from Rooster Walk officials
The academic year may be over, but we're still reliving the memories of the last few days of school! On Tuesday night, Martinsville Middle School hosted its 8th grade transition and awards ceremony to honor those students who will be entering high school next year. Superintendent Dr. Zeb Talley joined MMS Principal Ama Waller and MMS faculty in celebrating the students who have completed their middle school careers and Martinsville High School Principal Dr. Aji Dixon welcomed them to the MHS family.
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
MMS student and teacher pose for a photo
two MMS teachers pose with student
MMS teacher presents an award to a student
MMS band director with two students
Performing Arts Academy director with two MMS students
MMS principal presents a certificate to a student
MCPS superintendent shakes hands with an MMS student
MMS teacher in military uniform presents an award to a student
MMS SCA class president leads the audience in the pledge of allegiance
MMS teacher presents an award to a student
That's a wrap on the 2022-2023 school year! As we bid farewell to another year of growth, learning, and memory-making, we want to take a moment to thank everyone- parents, students, teachers, and staff- for making this yet another amazing year at MCPS. Just 82 days until the 2023-2024 year begins!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Students waving from school bus windows to teachers standing on the sidewalk who are waving back
Join us in saying GOOD LUCK! to our MMS Odyssey of the Mind students who are traveling to Michigan today to compete in the World competition! 🌎🏆
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
MMS odyssey of the mind students in a van
MCPS families: Tomorrow is the last day of the 2022-2023 school year! Please remember that MCPS will dismiss students 3 hours early tomorrow (Wednesday, May 24).
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
3 hour early dismissal graphic
MMS is gearing ⚙️ up for the summer with some awesome summer camp options! Sign up for camps using the links below or the QR codes on each image. 🤖 VEX Robotics: June 5-8 from 1-4 p.m.; current 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students 🧠✨ Odyssey of the Mind: June 12-16 from 1-4 p.m.; current 6th and 7th grade students 🤖 LEGO Robotics Club: June 20-22 and June 26-29 from 1-4 p.m.; current 6th and 7th grade students
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
VEX Robotics Summer Camp
Odyssey of the Mind summer camp graphic
Lego robotics club graphic
Some of our local churches are showing their support of our MMS staff! First Baptist Church of Collinsville provided desserts and snacks at the end of last week to celebrate the end of the first week of SOL testing. Refuge Temple Ministries provided lunch earlier this week to kick off our district celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week! 🍎 Thank you to these community organizations for supporting our city schools!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
A buffet of food
MMS staff pose in front of a table of food
MMS staff pose in front of a table of food
Today is National Teacher Appreciation Day! Thank you to all of our teachers who invest so much in our students each and every day! We are immensely grateful for all you do!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Teacher appreciation graphic
MCPS will host a meningococcal vaccine clinic for rising 7th and 12th grade students TOMORROW, April 21, and MMS and MHS. This vaccine is required by the Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Department of Education, and is state-mandated. Consent forms should have been mailed to parents and can still be turned in the morning of the clinic. If the student has insurance, please bring a copy of their insurance card on the day of the clinic. If you have any questions, contact: Tristan Sarver at (276) 403-5788 or Toya Johnson at (276) 403-5735 or
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Vaccine clinic graphic
Wow! MMS students are bringing home even more accolades for the trophy case after competing in yesterday's GO TEC VEX Robotics tournament! 🤖 The team of Josiah, Aileen, David, and D’Anna, coached by Mr. Hackenberg, took home 2nd place overall 🥈 Ms. Clervoi's team-Jayden, Jeremiah, KaVaughn, and Samson- earned the Most Energetic Award ⚡️ Congratulations to our students and coaches! We're so proud of all your hard work!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
MMS students with their VEX robotics award
MMS students with their VEX robotics award
MMS students and coach Greg Hackenberg at VEX Robotics competition
MMS students and coach Jessica Clervoi at VEX Robotics competition
MMS students operate their robot at VEX Robotics competition
MMS students and coach Greg Hackenberg at VEX Robotics competition
We're going to Worlds! 🌎🏆 The Martinsville Middle School Odyssey of the Mind team coached by Greg Hackenberg advanced to the World OotM Tournament after a great performance at States today in Leesburg! The Patrick Henry Elementary team coached by Liz Lynch will also be bringing home some medals having placed third in their division. 🥉 Congratulations to all four teams who travelled to Lessburg this weekend to represent MCPS at the state tournament. We're so proud of all your hard work!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
MMS odyssey of the mind team
PHES odyssey of the mind team
Happy Friday! And what a great way to start the weekend- a stunning double rainbow appeared over Albert Harris Elementary this morning to welcome our students and staff as they arrived at school. Did you see the rainbow this morning?
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
A double rainbow over Albert Harris Elementary School
Mark your calendars for the spring MCPS Vivo collaborative concert! On Tuesday, April 18, 40 MCPS special needs students will join with a choir and several local musicians for a grand finale performance. This semester, students in the Vivo program have learned what it means to be a good citizen through music, art, and dance, all in direct alignment with their Virginia Social Studies SOLs. The concert will take place at Albert Harris Elementary School on Tuesday, April 18 at 10 a.m.
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
English Vivo graphic
Spanish Vivo graphic
Everyone's favorite swamp-dwelling ogre is taking the MCPS stage in Shrek The Musical, Jr.! Tickets are on sale NOW! The presale price is $8, which will increase to $10 at 3 p.m. on May 5. Don't miss out on the presale prices! Visit to purchase your tickets today and support our MCPS student cast in what promises to be an amazing spring musical!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Shrek the Musical Jr. graphic
Martinsville City Public Schools will be closed for Spring Break April 3-10. Classes will resume Tuesday, April 11.
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Spring Break graphic
Karla Scales, Grayson Givens, and Jessica Clervoi of Martinsville Middle School's PBIS team presented at the 2023 TTACx Symposium presented by the Radford and Virginia Tech Training and Technical Assistance Centers. Their presentation, "Benefits of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in the Middle School Classroom" earned rave reviews from attendees! Thank you to the entire MMS PBIS team, which also includes Marnie Martin, Troy Dalton, and Jalen Dillard, for your dedication to creating a positive environment in which students feel safe and supported! You can watch a video of their presentation here:
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Karla Scales, Jessica Clervoi, Marnie Martin, Grayson Givens, Troy Dalton, and Jalen Dillard pose for a photo
Today's #MondayMotivation comes to us from this post-it note found on a locker at MMS!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Pink post-it note taped to red locker
Congratulations to the winners of the second annual MMS Geography Bee! Contestants from grades 6, 7, and 8 each took turns answering questions about geography including state capitols, nicknames, the locations of prominent rivers and mountains, and more until only our winner was left standing! 🥇First place: Brennan Coleman, grade 7 🥈Second place: Olivia Campbell, grade 6 🥉 Third place: Leo Mata, grade seven Winners received a medal, trophy, and cash prizes! Congratulations to everyone who participated!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Middle school participants in the Geography Bee pose on the stage of the middle school
The three winners of the MMS geography bee hold their trophies and prize money
A geography bee participant answers a question
A geography bee participant answers a question
A geography bee participant answers a question
A geography bee participant answers a question
A geography bee participant answers a question
A geography bee participant answers a question
Baseball and softball are in full swing (see what we did there?) at MCPS!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Five high school baseball players smile and pose for a photo
Middle School baseball player winds up for a pitch
A high school baseball pitcher throws the ball
A middle school baseball player jumps up to make a catch
A middle school softball player stands with a bat at the ready at home plate
A middle school softball player stands with a bat at the ready at home plate
A high school baseball pitcher throws a ball to his catcher
A high school baseball player swings at a pitch
During MCPS' recent celebration of Engineering Month, students at several of our schools participated in an epic paper airplane competition. Students researched, designed, and launched their own paper planes, giving our youngest learners a chance to experiment with important STEM-related concepts such as aerodynamics, force, and resistance. Here's a look at some of our MMS students who participated in the challenge and took home some awesome prizes!
over 1 year ago, Martinsville City Public Schools
Six MMS students pose with their paper airplanes
Two students chat while another lines up his paper airplane for launch
MMS student holds a paper airplane
MMS student holds a paper airplane
Two MMS students launch paper airplanes in a hallway
MMS students with STEM-themed toys