MMS School Supply List
All MMS students (grades 6, 7, and 8) are asked to bring all school supplies to school during their Open House (August 7) or on the first day of school (August 14).
1 pack of pencils (at least 12)
1 pack of highlighters (at least 3)
1 pack of loose leaf paper
1 pack of glue sticks (at least 3)
1 pack of index cards (for English class)
1 blue folder with holes (for English class)
1 three-subject notebook (for history class)
1 pair of earbuds (no AirPods, no headphones, no expensive earbuds)
No wheels
A clear backpack is recommended for students who want to carry their bookbag with them during the school day
Bookbags that are not clear, heavy coats, pocketbooks, and lunch bags are required to be stored in students' lockers
Girls: 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Boys: 1 box of tissue
Optional: 1 clear water bottle/thermos to drink from during the school day.
Must be clear- no exceptions!
All other supplies, including a laptop, charger, and laptop carrying bag will be provided to students. Supplies not listed here are not required, nor recommended, to bring to school.
Suggested At-Home Supplies
The following items are recommended for families to have in their homes for students to use to aid in studying, completing unfinished assignments, homework, and/or projects. These items do not need to come to school.
Loose leaf paper or notebook
Coloring supplies
Sticky notes
Glue or glue sticks