Principal's Welcome
Dear students, parents and guardians:
Martinsville High School faculty and staff have prepared what is sure to be a challenging, engaging, and exciting school year. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing each student phenomenal learning experiences as safely as possible. With the safety of students, teachers, and families in mind and out of an abundance of caution and a considerable amount of deliberation, our school board and superintendent have decided that we will begin the school year virtually. Our young people are extremely precious, and the adults who work at Martinsville High School genuinely miss the face-to-face instruction and conversations that we have with students, but I am confident that we will provide online learning experiences that will foster academic growth.
Now more than ever we will need to maintain open lines of communication, and communication will be the cornerstone from which we will build an awesome school year.
To help us prepare for the new school year, we request that every parent/guardian complete the Returning Student Registration form accessible on our website. This task must be completed for each student prior to receiving the technology your student(s) will need to access our virtual learning this fall.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding academics, activities, or if you wish to express a concern.
Aji Dixon
Martinsville High School
(276) 403-5870